Where Mustangs, Youth, And God’s Grace Meet
Core Values Statement
Wild Ones Youth Ranch seeks:
to be Christ-centered by demonstrating grace, mercy, encouragement, love, acceptance, generosity, community, friendship, and healing.
to help children experience joy by crafting character through encountering the joy of horses and developing a sense of community.
to welcome all families regardless of circumstances and background; without discrimination and with equal treatment.
to model good horsemanship by teaching respect for horses and people, by keeping safety a priority, by making the best possible matches between horse and rider based on appropriate challenges, and by demonstrating positive horse care.
Group Lesson Policies
Please read the following information carefully before registering your child for Group Lessons.
SESSIONS: Wild Ones Youth Ranch offers hourly group lessons for kids ages 8 and up for $32 per 4-week session. These age limits are merely a guideline and the director reserves the right to place a child in a different group in order to meet his or her needs in the most beneficial way. The director may also form additional groups that do not conform to the general age guidelines and/or that are filled by direct invitation at her discretion. These groups must also adhere to the rules and regulations of all standard lessons groups, as set forth below.
REGISTRATION: Group lessons are divided up into two 4 or 5 week sessions. Reservations will not be made prior to the registration announcement. If you are unable to get into a particular session, you will be placed on a waiting list and contacted if there are cancellations when the next registration session opens.
You are responsible to keep track of all of your own scheduled sessions. Reminders will generally not be sent out.
Due to the popularity of our program and limited session availability, we must strictly adhere to our attendance policy. For this reason, one failure to notify us of an absence (via the absence form noted below) will result in the loss of your spot in the current lesson session. In the event of this circumstance, you will be placed on a 2-month waiting list before being allowed to participate in the program again. Exceptions might apply in the case of medical or family emergencies.
To report an absence you must use the ABSENCE report form . This allows us to have a written record of your communication with us. You will be sent a copy of this correspondence for your records.
Please make every effort to arrive on time. Missed time at the beginning of the lesson cannot be made up at the end. All lessons will end promptly at the stated finish time and all parents should be prepared to pick up their child at this set time.
No refunds will made for missed sessions
CANCELLATIONS: We reserve the right to cancel sessions due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances. Unless there is extreme weather (thunderstorms, flooding, snow/hail, high wind, extreme mud), the lessons will continue as scheduled. Please click here to check our weather page before each session to see if your event is running on time or canceled due to inclement weather. In general we will not send out notices of cancellation as it will be posted as soon as possible on our weather cancellations page. If you are unsure about whether or not there is a cancellation, please check the web page first, then contact us if you have any questions.
PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Group lessons participants are offered one hour of horse or farm experience per lesson. This often, but not always, involves riding, but does always involve hands-on horse experience. Lesson format may be altered due to weather or other extenuating circumstances.
REQUIRED CLOTHING: For safety reasons all riders and accompanying adults must wear LONG PANTS and CLOSED TOE SHOES (preferably low heeled boots or tennis shoes) on the premises. Anyone not wearing the appropriate clothing and shoes will not be permitted to be around the horses. Please let us know if this is an issue and we will try to make accommodations (we do have some extra boots on site). We have a limited amount of riding helmets available, so riders should bring their own bicycle or riding helmet if possible.
WAIVER FORMS: Participants and accompanying adults must fill out a new waiver form EACH SEASON (previously it was one new waiver per year). Click here to download our current waiver form. One form per participant/accompanying adult please (no doubling up).
Because group lessons are already offered at a reduced rate, no scholarships are available for this program.
Visitor Safety and Guidelines
The safety of you, our staff, clients, and horses is of the utmost importance to us. Please read through the following guidelines before visiting the Ranch.
Clothing: Because we are a working farm, please make sure that EVERYONE that comes to the ranch is wearing CLOSED-TOE SHOES. Visitors may wear shorts only if they will not be working with the horses. You will not be allowed in the viewing area without the proper clothing.
Restricted areas: Wild Ones Youth Ranch has designated restricted areas for the safety of your family, our staff, horses, and our campers. Please stay out of posted restricted areas AT ALL TIMES (unless otherwise directed by a staff member). In addition, please do not enter the obstacle course, front yard of the house, arenas, barn, stalls, pastures, or the covered picnic area (except during registration), and surrounding areas (horse trailer, fields, fire pit, etc.) Unrestricted areas include the loading dock and the front side of the arena fence, the driveway surrounding this area, the outdoor restrooms, and the parking areas. You are free to remain in these areas.
Adult supervision: Please note that all non-participant children (siblings, friends, etc.) MUST BE DIRECTLY SUPERVISED BY A PARENT AT ALL TIMES while at the farm. SCREAMING, RUNNING, and ROUGHHOUSING is strictly forbidden, as well as approaching any horse without express direction of a qualified WOYR staff member. We reserve the right to ask you to leave the premises if these rules are not followed (after a warning).
Photography: We ask that you please only take photos of your own child/relative (or friends). Our staff photographer has clearance to take photos of campers that are on our approved list.